Monday, January 10, 2005

Ukraine Election Reverberates Throughout the World

Chris Adamo-�
The only means by which liberals could ever hope to resume a dominant role in American politics would be to honestly promote their ideas in a manner that might persuade the population at large. But big government socialism and its corollary, societal decay, simply won’t resonate with an America that cherishes its traditional heritage of liberty, individuality, and morality.

Recent attempts by the left to assume the moral “high ground” in response to the devastation in the Indian Ocean, while generating much anger and resentment, are neither persuading the American people of liberalism’s inherent superiority nor convincing them of the righteous benevolence of liberalism’s supreme shrine, the United Nations.

Well said. The Socialists/Communists are like the Wizard of Oz. "Don't look behind the curtain..."


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