Tuesday, March 28, 2006



The following phrases, frequently found in technical writings, are defined below for your enlightenment:

Phrase......................................... Translation

It has been long known............... I haven't bothered to check the references

It is known.................................... I believe

It is believed................................. I think

It is generally believed...................My colleagues and I think

There has been some discussion... Nobody agrees with me

It can be shown........................... Take my word for it

It is proven................................... It agrees with something mathematical

Of great theoretical importance...... I find it interesting

Of great practical importance........ This justifies my employment

Of great historical importance....... This ought to make me famous

Some samples were chosen for study... The others didn't make sense

Typical results are shown............ The best results are shown

Correct within order of magnitude.... Wrong

The values were obtained empirically. The values were obtained by accident

The results are inconclusive......... The results seem to disprove my hypothesis

Additional work is required.......... Someone else can work out the details

It might be argued that.............. I have a good answer to this objection

The investigations proved rewarding.. My grant has been renewed "
There is a renewed push from the Global Warming (read NeoCommunist, Anti Capitalist) crowd, and the propaganda war is starting in earnest. Use the above for reference...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Oh Helen....

You really believe you are something, don't you?

I've reviewed several stories today about your "questioning" the President, and I've watched the film.

Helen, you were schooled and used by the President. Good for Him!

Helen you remind me of the old crone in the village that people allow to speak even though everyone knows what she is going to say. Now shut up.

You are arrogant, you are rude, and you are an exceedly ugly human being. Just shut up.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Communist Broadcasting Service

BLOGWONKS: The Same Old Song And Dance:
"This past Monday, CBS, otherwise known as See? BS!, Al-Jazeera West, and the Corrupt Broadcasting System, proved once again that it is nothing but a shameless propaganda tool of the Democrat party, by releasing the results of a poll it rigged... uh... conducted recently showing that President Bush's popularity rating has plummeted to an all-time low of 34 percent.

Of course, when one looks at the internals of the poll, one sees that, of the 1018 people who responded to it, only 28 percent were Republicans. 38 percent, however, were Democrats (big surprise there), and the remaining 34 percent were described as Independents."
Yes it is OLD NEWS, BUT WORTH REPEATING. Democrap Propagandists.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A few questions, if I may;

A few questions, if I may;
To those who desire the disarming of American Citizens, I would like to pose some questions;
And Among others he asks:
"What superior mode of protection can be employed, to replace the intended one? "
Great read...